Leadership has the power to change the world.

There is no freeway to the future. No paved highway from here to tomorrow. There is only wilderness. Only uncertain terrain. There are no road maps. No signposts. So pioneers rely upon a COMPASS and a DREAM.”- The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner

PCLF believes believes that a great work is done IN You before a great work is done THROUGH You. A leader’s CHARACTER is the foundation - we reproduce who we are not what we do.

While every next generation leader has a dream, they need a COMPASS to act as their Due North showing them the way to go. For PCLF, Leadership Development of the next generation is that Compass.

PCLF does this by providing opportunities for organizations and individuals domestically and internationally to -

IMPACT the generation beside us and INSPIRE the generation ahead of us to INVEST in the generation behind us by raising resources, providing tools, and creating waypoints along the way for the next generation of leaders.

PCLFCares - it’s a big world, but let’s start by doing for ONE what we wish we could do for ALL!


On Site Leadership Development

Leadership Decisions will be made in 2020 and over this next decade that will impact young leaders for the rest of their lives. PCLF helps develop leaders and organizations by helping them answer the following questions -

·       WHAT are we doing? (mission)

·       WHY are we doing it? (values)

·       HOW are we doing it? (strategy)

·       WHEN are we successful? (what’s a win)

·       WHERE are we headed? (vision)

PCLF is scheduled in 2020 to host On Site Global Leadership Development in Kenya training leaders and their spouses from 8 different countries as well as on site in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Georgia, and Ohio and going to Rwanda in 2021.

Monthly Video Training

PCLFCares hosts a “First Tuesday” live monthly leadership development with leaders from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and the US who oversee organizations directly impacting 300,000+ teens weekly around the world.

Weekly Chapters & Camps

PCLF partners with Teens for Christ, a non-profit whose international headquarters is based in Lima, Ohio. TfC’s hosts 900+ weekly chapter meetings currently in 8 different countries impacting face to face 300,000 teens weekly.

PCLF helps host a week long leadership camp - Converge Kenya - impacting 1500+ next generation leaders over the past two years.

Non-Profit Partners

PCLF believes a leader is never so powerful as when she or he asks “How Can I HELP?” As a result, we ask that question of ourselves and currently financially partner with six non-profit leadership organizations to help resource them to Invest, Impact, and Inspire the next generation of leaders.

Novo Empowering Leaders

Athens Prayer Network

MAF Mission Aviation

Quest Philippines

12 Stone Leadership Residency

Teens for Christ