Yesterday my daughter Mackenzie led our family in what she dubbed the “Corona Gratitude” game. She had us write out on stickies thoughts of gratitude, lessons being learned, whatever was important to us and place them in a big mason jar without reading aloud so one day soon we could come back to as memories we wanted to be reminded of in the midst of adversity. Very Cool.

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Leadership is like CHASING BIRDS

As I stepped out of the shower earlier this week, something literally swooped behind me in the mirror in front of me - STARTLED would be an understatement! Emergency - we had a BIRD trapped in our bedroom closet!!

What happened over the next 15-20 minutes was CRAZY - America’s Funniest Videos worthy. Anything but calm, cool, and collected I quickly I shut the door sequestering the bird in our bedroom and closing off our bedroom area to the rest of the house opened the double door to our deck leading to the outside.

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While Celebrating my 30th Anniversary (35 years together) - #blessedbeyondwhatideserve - with The Gorgeous B-E-A-Utiful Lisa this past week sailing in Antigua, -I was introduced to a new the Atlantic Challenge, where 35 boats set off on Dec 12 every year to ROW 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean from the Canary Islands in Spain to the finish line in English Harbour in Antigua.

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