Leadership is like CHASING BIRDS

Leadership is like CHASING BIRDS

We serve a God who can do more than we can ask or imagine. So it’s time to stop playing it safe. We weren’t created for a life of comfort. We are passionate and powerful, charged with changing the world in radical ways!Craig Groeschel, “Dangerous Prayers”

As I stepped out of the shower earlier this week, something literally swooped behind me in the mirror in front of me - STARTLED would be an understatement! Emergency - we had a BIRD trapped in our bedroom closet!!

What happened over the next 15-20 minutes was CRAZY -  America’s Funniest Videos worthy. Anything but calm, cool, and collected I quickly I shut the door sequestering the bird in our bedroom and  closing off our bedroom area to the rest of the house opened the double door to our deck leading to the outside. Thinking I would get the little nuisance to fly outside where it belonged only to find myself running back and forth from one side of the bed to the other getting on my hands & knees  each time chasing the bird who had found a hiding place under our bed and was scampering back & forth avoiding me every time I would approach it. Don’t need a PETA siting at our house but safe to say finally got it to fly to where it belonged, outside - unleashed and unconfined. 

Some say leadership is like herding cats, I learned it’s more like CHASING BIRDS - FRUSTRATING in the moment for sure but SO WORTH IT when they are finally released!! 

Just as God is RELEASING us in 2020 and UNLEASHING His POWER and FAVOR on our leadership, as leaders, we are charged with Developing Leaders which might feel a lot like Chasing Birds, but once released and “unconfined”, those leaders are like birds - meant to FLY and SOAR and change the world in a radical way. Who has God charged you with Releasing and Unleashing? 

Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.

Apostle Paul - Ephesians 3:20 TPT

Leaders are like Birds - we were meant to Fly, Soar,